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I have always had a passion and affinity to manipulate clay. The wonder and results of the Raku process continues to reward when I run the human form unit with the students.
inlay bowl | IMG_9592 | IMG_9956 (1) |
Cups1 | IMG_9951 (1) | IMG_9556 |
IMG_9575 | IMG_9591 | IMG_9590 |
IMG_9585 | IMG_9586 | IMG_9561 |
IMG_9548 | IMG_9562 | IMG_9560 |
IMG_9573 | Raku fired female bust | IMG_9588 |
IMG_9577 | IMG_9566 | IMG_9558 |
IMG_9570 | IMG_9564 | IMG_4441 |
IMG_4443 | IMG_4464 | IMG_9574 |
IMG_4439 | IMG_4469 | IMG_4463 |
IMG_4421 | IMG_4467 | IMG_4459 |
IMG_4466 | IMG_4445 | Chocolate run bowl |
Jade bowl | Yellow crackle | Blue Cylinder |
Cups 2 | Cups 3 | Raku fired figures 11 |
IMG_4452 |
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